What to Feed Venus Fly Traps Indoors: A Comprehensive Guide for Your Pet Plant

What to Feed Venus Fly Traps Indoors: A Comprehensive Guide for Your Pet Plant

Venus fly traps (Dionaea muscipula) are fascinating carnivorous plants that require specific care and nutrition to thrive indoors. These unique creatures have evolved to catch insects with their sticky, lobed leaves, making them perfect pets for those interested in observing nature’s cycle of life and death. However, feeding them correctly is crucial for maintaining their health and longevity.

Why Feeding Matters

Feeding your Venus fly trap not only provides essential nutrients but also helps stimulate its metabolism and growth. Without proper nutrition, the plant may become stunted or develop unhealthy growth patterns. Regular feeding ensures that your pet plant remains vibrant and healthy.

What to Feed Venus Fly Traps Indoors

1. Insects as Protein Source

The most ideal food for Venus fly traps is small insects such as ants, flies, spiders, and caterpillars. These prey items provide the protein necessary for the plant’s growth and development. It’s important to note that Venus fly traps do not eat large insects like beetles or grasshoppers; they prefer smaller, more manageable meals.

2. Live Insects vs. Pre-made Insect Food

Live insects offer a natural, live experience for your Venus fly trap. They can be purchased from specialized stores or online platforms. Alternatively, you can use pre-made insect foods designed specifically for carnivorous plants. These products usually contain a variety of insects mixed together, providing a balanced diet without any risk of introducing harmful substances.

3. Frequency of Feeding

Venus fly traps typically need to be fed every two weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). During dormant periods (fall and winter), feeding frequency should be reduced to once every three months. Overfeeding can lead to nutrient overload, which may cause your plant to stop growing or even die.

4. Preparation of Insects

Before feeding your Venus fly trap, it’s essential to clean and prepare the insects properly. Remove any dead parts or debris from the insect before placing it inside the trap. This prevents contamination and ensures that your plant gets a fresh meal.

5. Placement Inside the Trap

Place the prepared insect at the base of the trap, ensuring it lands on one of the inner lobes. The opening of the trap will close immediately after contact, trapping the insect within. If the insect struggles and cannot escape, it might damage the trap, so monitor carefully.


Feeding Venus fly traps indoors requires patience, attention to detail, and a bit of creativity. By choosing the right type of food and following the correct feeding schedule, you can ensure that your pet plant continues to flourish and enjoy its carnivorous lifestyle. Remember, each plant is unique, so adjust feeding habits according to individual needs and preferences.


  1. Can I feed my Venus fly trap with household pests?

    • No, household pests such as cockroaches or mice pose serious risks to both humans and the plant. Only edible insects suitable for carnivorous plants should be used.
  2. How often should I water my Venus fly trap when feeding it?

    • Watering should be minimal until the next feeding session. Afterward, resume normal watering practices to support the plant’s overall health.
  3. Should I remove the trapped insect after feeding?

    • Yes, removing the trapped insect promptly prevents potential damage to the trap and allows the plant to focus on digestion rather than struggling against an unwelcome guest.